Success. It is a word that has eluded many a man, and yet it is a word that has inspired countless others to greatness. For some, success seems to come easily, like a gentle breeze on a summer's day. For others, it is a harder-won prize, fought for and earned through sweat, blood, and tears. But no matter the path one takes to achieve it, one thing is certain: success can never be predicted or foretold.
In this world of ours, there are many who would claim to be able to predict the future. They offer up their services as soothsayers, diviners, and prognosticators, purporting to know what lies ahead for those who seek their counsel. But when it comes to success, these charlatans are nothing more than snake oil salesmen, preying upon the hopes and dreams of the desperate and the naive.
For success is a fickle beast, one that cannot be tamed or controlled. It does not follow the rules of man, but rather its own inscrutable whims. It is a force that defies prediction, a wild card that cannot be counted on to play its hand according to our expectations.
But despite its unpredictable nature, success can only be determined. It shall be pursued with passion and purpose, chased down with all the ferocity of a hunter on the hunt. It can be sought after with diligence and perseverance, and it shall be achieved through hard work, determination, and an unshakeable belief in oneself.
For those who are willing to put in the effort, success is not a pipe dream, but a real and attainable goal. It is a prize that shall be won through grit, determination, and a refusal to give up, no matter the odds.
So let us not be swayed by the false promises of those who claim to know what the future holds. Let us instead focus on what we can control: our own actions and attitudes, and our own pursuit of success.
For it is through these things that we can determine our own destiny, and achieve the greatness that we have always dreamed of.
Happy New Year 2023.